Spending time with people who care about what you care about is incredibly helpful, especially when you’re working on personal growth. Here are some ideas about how to find those people, and forge those connections that will help you thrive.
The Secret to Great Relationships? Appreciation.
Showing your appreciation for the people you love makes a huge difference, especially over time. I’m not talking about giving lavish presents or sending thank-you cards (though those might appeal to some of the people in your life!). The simplest and most effective way to strengthen those bonds is with positive feedback.
Find Your Cool When You're About to Lose It with These 3 Steps
3 Ways to Be Less Stressed Out by Other People During the Holidays
How Setting Intentions Can Help You Stay Focused on What's Really Important
One of the most powerful things you can do to nourish your soul is being super clear on what's actually important to you. But, you're juggling so many different priorities - yours, your family's, your friends', your colleagues' - that it's really easy to get off course. As you try to meet everyone else's needs, you can easily forget what's really important to you. Here’s how I help myself stay focused on what’s truly important.